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Structure and body
Project 2: Mybamboo
Study of materials, structure, anthropometrics and ergonomics (Main material is Bamboo)
Development of design with drawings, sketches and scaled models.
1. Physical 1:1 Structure:
1. Constructed from Bamboo with one supporting material
2. Structure size : 8 to 15 m³ Item
2. Scaled models
1. Final and test models at an appropriate scale
3. Drawings: A2 presentation boards (portrait)
1. Orthographic drawings (scale 1:10)
• 1 floor plan (indicate north point-sunlight source)
• 2 elevations (include human figure to give better sense of scale)
• 1 section (include human figure to give better sense of scale) and
• 1 top view 2. One (1) Exploded axonometric (scale 1:10/1:20) showing:
• assembly methods
• materials 3. Min three (3) details (scale 1:5) showing:
• materials
• joints and joinery
4. 1 abstract tattoo stamp per student (100 mm x 100mm) depicting your personal interpretation of the narrative, user experience and journey of your 1:1 structure focusing on one or more of the following themes:
• The Idea behind the Design
• The Making of the Design
• The Recipients of the Design *Drawings shall be done manually and monochromatic mounted on A2 mounting board, properly labeled with project title, group name and tutor’s name. Item 4. Design Process Sketch Journal (DPSJ) 1. Design ideas, exploration and construction process to be compiled in A3 size booklet. 2. Video and Photographic process of design, building, assembly and 1:1 structure’s experience.
This project was the most tiring and most rewarding project at the same time. Progress was slow in the beginning but we picked up the pace as time went by. I got to know the others and had a designated role as well. By the end, the project was over in a flash and we returned to our normal routine.
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